Sher Ryn was fascinated with the reddish eggs
Received ang pow from her grandparents (a rather big one too!) which has been saved aside for her future education.
My dad, mom, Sher Ryn, Jenn & I... she has grown a lot huh?
Well that was in Kuala Lipis... we went out to KL to celebrate the day after. Bought a simple mango cake from Zen by Secret Recipe with one candle!
For dinner... it was Delicious's Caesar's Salad with Smoked Salmon and breaded chicken fillet with some dipping sauce (forgot its name)
God I miss the time when she was small! She has grown into such a healthy and happy little girl who sometimes turn into a monster when she's grumpy or when her demands are not met.
Happy family moment in the concourse area of Mid Valley Megamall... pretty sure that some of you would recognise those flowers from Alice in Wonderland movie :) but let's focus on us ok??
LOVE this picture - taken while walking to The Garden from the Megamall's Starbuck entrance. There is a mini water fountain in between the two malls and Sher Ryn was intriqued by the water show. All I had to do was to show interest in what I was looking at and her head would eventually followed mine :P
Not an easy to task to raise a newborn baby for a year but I am pretty sure that it will get harder as she reaches teenage years. My friend once told me "For the first 12-18 years you will worry on how your daughter will turn out and the rest of your life worrying when your daughter is going to turn in"... LOL! It made sense now... being parents can be paranoid~
Oh well... as long as I give it all raising her up with care and discipline, all I can hope is that she will turn out just fine. As for when she's going to turn in, there is always CURFEW!!!! Sher Ryn's arrival has made my life brighter and seem to be meaningful...
heh, i can definitely imagine u as a loving father, but not sure if i can imagine u as a tough, disciplinarian daddy! :D
is sher ryn gonna get a little brother or sister sometime? =)
congratulations on a genuinely beautiful family.
well, both u AND ur wife have done a gr8 job:) xoxo.. gorrrgeous sher ryn.. happy birthday darling!
Great job to both parents. u guys deserve a good pat on your backs and happy birthday to the little princess!
Happy birthday Sher Lyn!
What a lucky little princess with so much love from mummy and daddy... :)
Happy birthday, little Sher Ryn! To Leo & wife - great job :-)
Happy birthday, little Sher Ryn! It's been wonderful reading your stories about Sher Ryn growing up. :-)
omg, shes so cute!! happy birthday to her!
She's one cute baby-happy birthday to her.
Great effort to daddy Leo & mummy Jenn for bringing Sher Ryn up so well :) Keep up the love for her & each other ;) God bless the lil girl & your family! Happy birthday, Sher Ryn dear! :)
Happy birthday Sher Ryn! You two are doing fine lar ;)
wah happy birthday to sher ryn. I'm sure she has the mother's eyes!
oh my! she is ONe already! Happy belated birthday to your darling gal! She looks a lot like you. Well done to you and Jenn. she's so cute!!
yikes i'm so late in wishing her a belated birthday. you guys did a great job there ;-)
1 year! Hats off to both of u!
U make wonderful parents and I do wish my parents were like u two!
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