Most of the time, Jenn & I will stop for lunch or dinner in this area whenever the timing is right. And normally I would search for places to eat at the row of shoplots when I turned in at the junction on Karak Highway.

But this time, we ventured further into the Bukit Tinggi new village. This restaurant caught our attention... as there were many cars outside. Normally the equation is "more people = good food".
Like every other restaurants sprouting in Bukit Tinggi area, this particular restaurant also served similar dishes. River fish is a specialty among all restaurants here.. and they even have price list for all the fishes.

Economy is so hard now... gotta make some side income by selling locally produced stuff.

We started with steamed bak sou gong - apparently there are 2 types of fish, 1) river-reared and 2) caught-in-the-wild. Both are priced at RM30 and RM50 per kilo respectively. We went for the former and it turned out to be just as good. The soy sauce was magnificient... not too salty with a little tinge of sweetness. They would actually used a live fish and prepared on the spot for you... ensuring the freshness as compared to refregirated fish.

Steamed taufu in basket - the basket was similar to those used to steam dim sum. The taufu was soft and hot, with crab stick, mushroom, green bean and even sea cucumber! It only cost RM12!

Deep fried pork in homemade sauce @ RM9 - frankly, the sauce was OK.. similar to what I had in other restaurants in the area. But the pork was quite hard and my mouth was very tired chewing.

Stir fried baby water crest @ RM5 - good!

Leo's verdict - I like the fish, as the soy sauce was superb! By far the best soy sauce concoction that I'd ever tried in Bukit Tinggi. The only setback was the pork, which I always order whenever I had lunch/dinner in Bukit Tinggi.
I agree with you, lots of people means good food! I usually go to Restaurant 126 which serves great food too. I will give your recommendation a try next visit.
126 is good... their steamed fish is not bad but in terms of the soy sauce used... Loong Sing is better (in my opinion at least)
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